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PDO Threadlift

PDO Threadlift

A PDO thread lift for the face is an innovative cosmetic procedure designed to combat the signs of aging by lifting and tightening sagging skin. Using biocompatible and absorbable threads made from Polydioxanone (PDO), this non-surgical technique involves inserting these threads beneath the skin’s surface through small injections. As the threads are strategically positioned, they create a supportive framework that gently lifts the skin and stimulates the body’s collagen production. Over time, the skin becomes firmer, smoother, and more youthful in appearance. The threads gradually dissolve, leaving behind the revitalized skin structure. PDO thread lifts for the face and neck are valued for their minimal downtime and ability to address concerns like jowls, sagging cheeks, and nasolabial folds, providing individuals with a refreshed and natural-looking result.

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